»In praise of Craigslist

Spring cleaning has come a little late to this household, but with a two truckloads to a prominent national charity, the massive garage sale a few weeks ago, and a steady stream of posts to Craigslist, we have managed to divest about a tonne of crap and hopefully save it from landfill. I started asking for beer instead of the $5 or $10 most remaining bits are probably worth (why did I have those old Volvo seat covers? the entire stereo system from that late, lamented car?), and now I have a 'fridge full of cold beer. The guys at the corner store are doing a brisk business today.
Craigslist is awesome: it connects me and all my random stuff with the divers other folk who want specific pieces of what I have (or, in some cases, hundreds of Ethernet cables, all lengths, colours; dozens of DC transformers and power bricks; cases of cheap wine) and no longer need. (Did I ever?) Fantastic!

Historical note: One of the first people I met upon arriving in San Francisco was Craig himself, sociably working from the (now-defunct) Tassajara Bread Bakery on Cole. My brush with someone who changed the way things work.

salim filed this under stoopin' at 18h57 Monday, 25 June 2007 (link) (Yr two bits?)