»In which we fall for the charm of the blinking lights

Azureus upload statistics

I had been using TomatoTorrent, a simply, Cocoa-y app that did lots of nice things with BitTorrent. It does not, however, recover well from tracker failures (isn't that what p2p is all about?!?), and does not manage bandwidth as marvellously as does Azureus. I was leery at first, given the nature of the project (exploring Java's SWT (Standard Widget Toolkit).

I used to stare into the closet full of (computer) hardware here at home, watching the drive lights, the switch lights, the router lights: dozens of LEDs reassuring me with their green and yellow flicker. And now? Now I watch avidly the steel, cold blue of the download screen on Azureus.

salim filed this under osx at 23h55 Sunday, 24 June 2007 (link) (Yr two bits?)