»In which we propose a quieter world

If all the world were compiled, rather than interpreted, things would run much more smoothly. Imagine: all the portions of the day that are dead routine, such as brushing one's teeth, trimming the mustaches, walking to the office.

Individuals could choose to optimize breakfast, if they always stop at the corner for a coffee ("regular"1) and danish (or, in a C++0x world, I suppose that would be at the Coffee King for a decaf non-fat triple Americano &mash; "We make it different, here" — and a muffin). They could optimize sleep (wow! this is fantastic) and ... now I am thinking about debuggers and inspecting elements, and this whole idea is becoming less amusing.

1On reflection, perhaps "regular" would be a localization thing.

salim filed this under osx at 15h06 Wednesday, 05 December 2007 (link) (Yr two bits?)