»In which everything's gone green

The Landprint project [ English version here ] renders photographs on meadows, greenswards, lawns, and pastures by using robotic mowers. The projects uses specially-cultivated grass, having studied the growth patterns and appearance of various plantings, as well as the modified lawnmower.

Crop circles have nothing on this -- ?

Another foreign-language website with a succinct artistic idea: Face Your Pockets (in Russian and in English). Scan your face and the contents of your pockets. Some of the scans are striking beautiful in the juxtaposition of material goods and fleshy faces. For several months I kept a (paper) inventory of my pockets, in the days that I wore a field jacket and pocket-y pants. Now all one finds in my pocket are a wooden-handled folding knife, billfold, key, and telephone; everything else is in my briefcase.

salim filed this under media friendsy at 21h41 Monday, 03 December 2007 (link) (Yr two bits?)