»In which we have sad proof that Octavia Boulevard is bad for cyclists

A cyclist was seriously injured today at the on-ramp bit of Octavia, at Market St.. This bicycle lane is a proven recipe for disaster.

A bicyclist was seriously injured this morning when she was struck by a truck making an illegal right turn onto a Highway 101 on-ramp on Market Street, police said.

The truck left the scene at Market and Octavia streets without stopping, but was soon pulled over by a San Francisco Police Department motorcycle officer, said Sgt. Steve Mannina. The driver, who did not realize he had hit the woman, was cited for making an illegal right turn, Mannina said.

The 28-year-old bicyclist was taken to San Francisco General Hospital with life-threatening injuries, Mannina said. She was wearing a helmet, he added.

The collision occurred about 8:25 a.m., when the truck, which was traveling east on Market Street, turned right onto the Highway 101 on-ramp. A right-hand turn in that direction is illegal at the intersection, Mannina said.

Google Maps has out-of-date imagery for this intersection, but it's hairy, despite being recently designed and built. Octavia was designed and built for cars, not for pedestrians: witness the horrible medians, the light timing that prevent people from crossing along Page or Haight in a single cycle); and definitely not for cyclists: the level crossing with a freeway onramp and no physical barriers at Market St., the abrupt grade changes between Fell and Market.
UPDATE: some movies and diagrams of the madness at the intersection of Octavia and Market.

salim filed this under bicycle and transit at 18h05 Monday, 22 January 2007 (link) (Yr two bits?)