»In which the weird get stupid

Anna's right: this is a riveting story. The San Francisco Chronicle reports the latest plot developments in a story that began when Ross Mirkarimi of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors intervened during yet another drive-by shooting in his district. The drive-by shooting began with a wronged young man, who called reinforcements in the form of his parents; the parents arrive with a roaring engine and a car full of guns; they chase the son's assailant around Alamo Square, eventually running him to the ground and running him over. The assailant tries to commandeer a passing motorcycle, but the father rams the motorcycle, knocks down the fellow, and finally crashes his car and runs away.

Breathless stuff.

At some point the valiant Supe-r hero dives in and "reported what he saw to police and got into a patrol car to help them locate the suspects".

salim filed this under stoopin' at 06h54 Saturday, 15 September 2007 (link) (Yr two bits?)