
From the illustrious A-Word-A-Day mailing list, I learned rasorial, a rarely-used (a mere 742 occurrences in the Google index!) word meaning "Characteristically scratching the ground for food. Used of chickens and similar birds." From the Indo-European root rd-, whence also the thing I see scurrying along the quiet rails of the subway, and the thing I scrape across my face each morning.

rasorial (ruh-SOR-ee-uhl) adjective

Given to scratching the ground to look for food.

[From Latin radere (to scrape), ultimately from the Indo-European root
red- (to scrape or scratch) that's also the source of raze, razor, erase,
corrode, rascal, rat, and rodent.]

salim filed this under lingo at 06h56 Friday, 31 August 2007 (link) (Yr two bits?)