»In which we complete a revolution

Fifty-eight thousand and some revolutions, in fact, on the 81-gear-inch Kogswell. Aram rode his Kokopelli Ti bike, with the beautiful Suntour track hubs, RyanPC was decked out in wool and a stylish ten-speed (times three!) Lemond, Socolow had his Bianchi AXIS and an old Timbuk2 bag, James his Lemond and a whole bagfull of gumption, and Greg his dirt-dropped Trek (but no sunblock).

I got the only flat of the ride, and I changed the tube (I had energetically pulled out the valve stem) on the wind-swept western approach to the Dumbarton Bridge.

salim filed this under bicycle at 21h54 Sunday, 01 July 2007 (link) (Yr two bits?)