»In which we enter Safe Mode and screw the pooch

I have had some trouble getting Firefox to trim certain built-in toolbars. I want to maximize the screen space I have, eliminating the Bookmarks and Navigation toolbars (but keeping the Status bar -- I could not cheerfully browse without the "Connecting to ..." messages!). Each time I load the program, I find that I had to make the customization; the changes would not persist across restarts. I looked through the various .js bits in my Profile, but could only find the incantations to make third-party toolbars go away (and these worked, curiously). I looked into the userChrome.css file, and mucked around with user.js, to no avail (I had to guess at element names). I looked through the Mozillazine Knowedgebase and tried making the changes in Safe Mode; that didn't do the trick. Someone helpfully pointed me to the workaround for a localstore.rdf bug, and this worked like a charm. Yay: another 24 pixels.

Bye the bye, the magnificent expression "Screwed the pooch" comes from Tom Wolfe's "The Right Stuff":

The phrase 'screw the pooch' itself was derived from an earlier phrase that was quite familiar to those of us in the service in WW2. I was a Fire Control Computer technician (Fire Controlman) in the US Navy 1944-1946. Anyone who has ever been in the military has spent an inordinate amount of time in a 'stand-by' formation waiting for someone to get the orders to start some activity. Many man-hours were spent in an activity that was commonly known as 'Effing the dog.' [Note: They didn't really say, 'Effing,' but I'm sure you can figure it out.] Back home in civilian life this was cleaned up to the slightly more acceptable 'screwing the pooch.
salim filed this under lingo and osx at 10h27 Tuesday, 19 December 2006 (link) (Yr two bits?)