»How Right You Are, Jeeves

Tangled love-affairs, mistaken identities, cases of insanity, and overbearing aunts: were it not for the appearance of the coveted cow-creamer, this might be a Shakespearean comedy. This comic novel follows the tried-and-true Wodehouse formula of placing the cheerfully inept Bertie Wooster in a country-house setting, tasked by his genial agèd relative with some ridiculous social task, but bereft of his helpmeet Jeeves. Various engagements fall as Bertie ploughs through the estate, a new pair of white linen trousers meet ruin, and no mice are found in the visiting scion's bedroom, but all ends well as Jeeves, freshly-fed from his shrimping holiday, swoops in to save the day. How Right You Are, Jeeves is another diverting piece of Wodehouse.

salim filed this under books at 13h41 Monday, 24 December 2007 (link) (Yr two bits?)