»On parking in San Francisco

I have long wanted to open a bar, and while driving through the Mission this afternoon Aram and Scott pointed out that the Gestalt-Zeitgeist axis is missing one essential item from the stock of German in English: Schadenfreude. Excellent. I'll open a bar, call it Schadenfreude, and make a mint. Happy hour will entail laughing at the misery of others, trying to balance on the pitched, waxed floor (a "slippery slope". Geddit?), and sloshing back perfect Martinis.

Anna suggests that I derive a certain nasty pleasure from having cars tagged and towed, especially when they block the sidewalk or a driveway. (She has, however, disabused me of the rambunctious habit of moving bodily over the hood of a car blocking the sidewalk.) Someone else has
the counterpart: threatening retaliation if his car is towed.

salim filed this under shenanigans at 19h15 Friday, 29 June 2007 (link) (Yr two bits?)