»In which people, yr author included, act like jurks

I do things like this, but mostly I sit with a few weeks' worth of junk mail and sort into three piles: items with my name or other identifying information (address, SSID, ...); business-reply envelopes; and other. I discard the first pile, filing it into the cross-cut shredder; I stuff the last pile into the second, and feel good that I am keeping postal-service employees ("the mailman") in business, although they probably don't deserve it.

Critical Smash vs. Critical Mass, now replete with "parade rules", in Manhattan. Comments on Leah Garchik's blog about the latest SF Critical Mass tend to the vitriolic.

salim filed this under shenanigans at 08h41 Wednesday, 04 April 2007 (link) (Yr two bits?)