»In which we blog too late to save a drowning which

One of my favourite images is the deceptively simple illustration on the cover of Frank Zappa's album "Ship Arriving Too Late To Save A Drowning Witch". A few months ago, Aram described how the image is not unique to this album, but one of a series of Droodles, the brainchild of a comedian, not a cognitive scientist. Roger Price also created Mad Libs, thereby providing me with endless fun for very little effort. Just the thought of this image gives me a fit of giggles.

Ship Arriving Too Late To Save a Drowning Witch

Is micro-blogging a term? Twitter fascinates me with its strict limit on length of entries (140 characters, the multiple input methods (text-message, IM (!!), and web form) facilitate addiction^W stickiness, and the cosy UI make watching others' activities fun.

salim filed this under media friendsy at 05h14 Tuesday, 27 March 2007 (link) (Yr two bits?)