
Latin cachinnare, cachinnat-, imitative; "to laugh hard, loudly, or convulsively; guffaw" If you split your sides, roll in the aisles, or die laughing, you may be cachinnating.

Although this word has been in my vocabulary for about twenty-five years, since I first read The Castafiore Emerald, a Tintin adventure (a "comic book", I suppose.), I never looked for it in a dictionary until just now. I think I just assumed that it was one of Captain Haddock's colourful epithets; but, then again, even bashi-bazouk has a proper origin!

The Comics Museum in Brussels -- the Musée des Bandes Desinées, to be precise -- has excellent exhibits in a beautifully-restored Art Deco warehouse.
Musée des Bandes Desinées
You can see the rocket-ship from Destination Moon and Explorers on The Moon through the atrium.

salim filed this under lingo at 10h34 Wednesday, 15 November 2006 (link) (Yr two bits?)