»On signs and photographs

Reading the Evil Signtist's summary of the "Fell is Hella" sign phenomenon, I clicked through some of the links on the site and found Pittsburgh Signs, a site which sentimentally evokes Pittsburgh through signs and decorative arts photos. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette wrote about the project three years ago.

I was looking through flickr, and a newish feature on the site shows me the comments made on my photostream. I saw that someone had commented on a sign that I particularly liked, and started looking through her photographs. A few pictures further, I saw a giddy snapshot of a friend I haven't seen in years: I last bumped into him, part-way through his world travels, on a bench at Zeitgeist. The world may not be small, but it is only a few clicks from one side to the next.

The photographs I post on flickr are available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 licence. This means that anyone can copy, modify, and re-use the photographs as they wish, as long as they attribute the source (me) and retain the licence for all derivative works.

salim filed this under media friendsy at 02h26 Tuesday, 12 September 2006 (link) (Yr two bits?)