»In which we party on MUNI (not)

Tonight is a MUNI MUNI Metro Party flash mob dealie.
I do not like MUNI. While walking about to the much-changed Magnolia (new chef, new menu, fewer sauces for the frites), one of my companions, a visitor from Seattle remarked on how fortunate San Franciscans are: "You don't know how lucky you are, with these quiet electric buses." I told him about the off-spec diesel monsters that MUNI half-assedly took delivery of to run on the 71L route, the same buses that whine past our corner at 80 dB. I complained about MUNI, about the intermittent service, about how one can't rely on MUNI to get from point A to point B in less time than walking.
I do not like MUNI, and the service worsens year to year. MUNI faces continuing budget problems, and still fails to address its core scheduling problems.

salim filed this under shenanigans at 14h12 Friday, 25 August 2006 (link) (Yr two bits?)