»Howto get real audio files on to your ipod

I have been listening to the Rolling Stones Sessions of Death Cab for Cutie, which are readily and handily available from Rolling Stone's web site.

To get these from the interwebs to my iPod was but the work of an instant:

  • download use Audio Hijack, a simple and superb piece of software. It requires that you restart the application from which you are recording audio, but other than that is completely non-invasive. And it has a hilarious logo.
  • Play the RealAudio link, and click "Record" in AudioHijack. The file appears as a .aiff
  • Open the file (the default association is with Apple's iTunes) and control-click on it from within the application. One of the options offered is "Convert to .mp3" (or "to .aac", if that is your default). Select this, and iTunes converts the file in the background.
  • Edit the mp3 info (control-click, select "Get Info", and edit from the resulting popup window).
  • Sync to an iPod, and Bob's yr uncle.

MTv has some non-Mac compatible Windows Media Player DRM built into its site. I have not yet figured out how to get this to work with their setup.

salim filed this under osx at 09h13 Monday, 12 June 2006 (link) (Yr two bits?)