»In which our neighbours play the 'tag -- you're it!' game

The west wall of the New Santa Clara Market at the corner of Haight and Scott streets has long and proudly worn some sort of uplifting mural. About a year ago, some ruffians with impaired aesthetic values tagged the mural: others responded, through the same medium, that tagging murals was lame (and, implicitly, post-modern and thus unhip). And so on, to the point that the mural became a graffiti mess of sprayed tags and balloon characters.
I was further dismayed to return to the 'hood and see that the building's owners, no doubt under pressure from the city to remove the offending graff tags, painted over the mural -- but lazily: they painted the lower half of the wall with the same stock brown (the recycled brown from Sunset Scavenger?). Which was promptly tagged.

Half-covered mural

Tagged mural, Scott St (detail)

salim filed this under stoopin' at 10h02 Saturday, 22 April 2006 (link) (Yr two bits?)