»Mac OS X Internals : A Systems Approach

Amit Singh, of kernelthread.com, has an upcoming book on Mac OSX internals. He has a nifty presentation available through his web site; the book itself will take a constructivist approach to examining the kernel, much as Kirk McCusick did with his book on the BSD kernel.

Some of the interesting bits he discusses:

kernel messages
drivers in kernel- vs. user-space, shielding programmers from "gory" details of i/o

With the advent of the new Intel core computers, the drivers need to be written in C (-based EFI) vs. the G5 Forth-based Open Firmware.

IPC vs Sockets: the former optimized for the local, rather than network, case. Copy-on-write

salim filed this under books at 06h30 Wednesday, 25 January 2006 (link) (Yr two bits?)