»In which we pay the property taxes

The Lower Haight's much-beloved pile of poop, Duboce Park, will go from being like Paris to being like 1920s Shanghai. The Recreation and Park Commission will carve the park into three parts.
The article quotes a woman who does not want to scoop her dog's poop: that, she says, is what she pays property taxes for.
I do'n't care that San Francisco has more smelly dogs (120,000) than stinky kids (110,000): once a dog poops or pees on a grassy area, there is no way that I would sit down and enjoy a picnic. San Francisco's violently vocal dog owners are all too eager to ignore the perils of hygiene that dogs create, and not only in the parks. Hardly a day passes that I do'n't nearly trip over solidifed shit on the sidewalk. This is why I refuse to wear shoes inside the house.

salim filed this under stoopin' at 10h50 Saturday, 21 January 2006 (link) (Yr two bits?)