»In which Duboce Park hits the big-time.

A film production will build a set in our very own Dogshit Duboce Park. Filming instructions include the filmmakers saying that they "respectfully request that [residents] park [their] cars in the garage". Unless I missed something major in the past six years, street parking is often the only parking in a neighbourhood of Victorian buildings. Film production in the area has waned of late; one of my favourite films (The Lineup) and many others have filmed here. I for one am excited to see a BART station built at the corner of Duboce and Steiner. Hell, if the café-formerly-known-as-Coopers ever opens again, this might infuse good business. Especially if a parking garage opened underneath the park.

salim filed this under media friendsy at 19h34 Saturday, 27 August 2005 (link) (Yr two bits?)