»Before and after

From the DPT:

Bicycle volumes on Valencia Street during the PM peak hour increased 144 percent, from 88 to 215 bicyclists per hour. The "before" data were collected on "Bike to Work Day" in May 1997 when an entire southbound motor vehicle lane was closed for cyclists. In March 2000, 215 bicyclists were counted on a typical weekday. Given that more cyclists traditionally ride on "Bike to Work Day," the increase in bicyclists is most likely even greater than these numbers indicate. During the "after" count, motor vehicles were also counted to determine the modal split (percentage of motor vehicles versus bicycles). Comparing total motor vehicles to bicycles made up 16 percent of the vehicle traffic along Valencia Street.
salim filed this under bicycle at 05h08 Friday, 16 April 2004 (link) (Yr two bits?)