December 20, 2005

In which we save Duboce Park (for the dogs)

Thanks to the local constabulary, I learn that

The Dog Advisory Council unanamously approved the Duboce Park rediesign to include an off leash dog play area and a dog free zone. Kudos to Supervisor Dufty, his aide Amanda Kahn, and many dedicated people for bringing the community together ( there were of course people who spoke in opposition) around a compromise proposal. This took two years and alot of hard work by many people. Its great when the community input process works.

Damnit, I am so glad that the Dog Advisory Council are able to superintend planning for a small neighbourhood park which so frequently smells, feels, and (in the least existential sense of the word) is full of fæces that I cannot imagine any desire to have a picnic there, nor take my kids to gambol about, nor even walk through the grassy bits. Never mind the paved paths themselves: they are all too full of mindless dog-walkers too lazy or too inconsiderate to realise that the park is not an off-leash playarea; that they must scoop the poop, not only because the law requires it but more importantly because good hygiene and the community suggest it; and, worst, that a park, once sullied with the poop of the pooch, need not always be so. Perhaps I make a broad generalization, but a small neighbourhood park is not a privy for pets. (Note to passing vagrants: nor is it a bathroom for bums.)

Posted by salim at 07:23 AM | Comments (0)