Books with climactic cricket concepts:
Dorothy Sayers's Murder Must Advertise: a match between an advertising firm and a teetotalling advertiser;
Sarah Caudwell's The Shortest Way to Hades: a match between Artists and Writers in Corfu's Esplanade;
P G Wodehouse's Psmith in the City: a match featuring our hero's amanuensis and helpmeet, Mike.
Last night marked the return of Jen (and Max, although he was off at band practise), which we celebrated by hearing stories of the blueberry-laden hike through the Olympics, the pig roast and barn party in Ohio, and hiking in the shadows of grizzlies at Yellowstone. Jen said that she did not much care for blueberries before this recent hike! to which I thought, heavens, more for me. I have been putting back a pint almost daily since I discovered how luscious and sweet these berries are.