September 20, 2005

In which drunken sailors are blockin up the main road

Although I have listened to precisely zero tunes on the old iPod in the past few weeks, this page describing a shuffle for Pere Ubu tunes captivated me.
Pere Ubu are another band I found through a brief record review in Rolling Stone magazine, probably for Story of My Life. Hotcha.
David Thomas claims:

Pere Ubu is not now nor has it ever been a viable commercial venture. We won't sleep on floors, we won't tour endlessly and we're embarrassed by self-promotion. Add to that a laissez-faire attitude to the mechanics of career advancement and a demanding artistic agenda and you've got a recipe for real failure. That has been our one significant success to this date: we are the longest-lasting, most disastrous commercial outfit to ever appear in rock 'n' roll. No one can come close to matching our loss to longevity ratio."

I bet The Fallcould give Pere Ubu a run for the money!

Posted by salim at 07:07 AM | Comments (0)