April 15, 2005

Salt into the public-transit wound.

The esseffessist nails one of the other good things about MUNI when they proudly show off the view from the N Judah as it exits the Market St. Subway and turns down Embarcadero.
... but this is all for naught given MUNI's latest plan: raise fares and cut service (what a winning combination!).
I've already written to my supervisor.
I will happily support a higher fare for the same level of service. I will not suffer higher fares for cuts in service. MUNI service is so bare-bones as it is, I ca'n't imagine less. Even though I live on a corner with 4 bus lines, I usually walk down to Civic Center. The 25 minutes is equivalent to the wait and ride on a 6/66/7/71[L], even at 7.25.

Oh yes: Rescue MUNI is a great resource.

Posted by salim at 06:36 PM | Comments (0)

These are the people that you meet Pt IX

While walking down to the bus this morning, I stopped in at the bank. I asked the cashier for some dollar coins, but she ruefully held out a hand filled with dingy Sacagaweas, and said, "How about some fifty-cents instead?" Good suggestion. I happily came away with a pocket full of JFK half-dollar pieces.

Posted by salim at 11:16 AM | Comments (0)