March 10, 2004

Parkin' in the 'hood.

The SF Neighborhood Parks project now uses Park Scan technology:

ParkScan volunteer observers visit their parks on a regular basis (at least once per month). Using handheld computers loaded with an aerial image of their park, along with routes to follow, they observe park features and rate their condition. In addition, the volunteers use digital cameras to photograph park conditions they observe, both good and bad. Survey results and photos are sent to a central database at the Neighborhood Parks Council. Dangerous conditions noted in the survey are immediately forwarded to the responsible Managing Agency (most often the Recreation and Park Department) for attention. Other unsatisfactory conditions are returned to the observers to have the importance of each condition prioritized. The entire survey is then forwarded to the Managing Agency. Survey results are available to the public on the ParkScan website ...

I noticed this information posted on a new signboard in Duboce Park, which frequently smells like hot dog shit. On days like today, more humid than most, it smells like steaming poop. If anyone ever claims that San Francisco is "European", point them at the Parisian piles of poop in the parks.

Point out the massive homeless encampments in the Panhandle and Golden Gate Park; or the irritating and massive feral cat population throughout the western end of the city.

Posted by salim at 11:38 PM | Comments (0)