While San Franciscans pull for a later last call, New York City's mayor is pulling for an earlier last call. The New York Times writer described the propsal as " turning New York after dark into Riyadh after noon".
From the text of a San Francisco Late Night Coalition press release:
Supervisor Aaron Peskin has introduced a resolution at the Board of Supervisors encouraging State Assemblymember Mark Leno to develop legislation to extend the last call for alcohol in bars, restaurants and nightclubs in California's largest Cities. The
SFLNC has previously introduced a similar resolution at the Entertainment Commission, which voted unanimously to support it.
The SFLNC supports this resolution in part because "National Traffic Safety Association data indicates that later last call hours do not increase and may actually decrease the number of alcohol related traffic fatalities"; but what of the potential increase in police, fire-fighting, and EMS personnel costs due to later business openings? The cost of having restaurants open later may not be offset by additional tax revenue.
After adoption by the City, the State Senate will need to take up the issue.