December 02, 2003

More maglev.


The Japan Times report that a passenger train has exceeded 580 kph.

Compare to the Japanese effort:

Maglev Train tops 500kmh

The Transrapid in Shanghai has set a new world for commercial
railway systems of 501 kmh (311 mph). The maglev (magnetic levitation)
train, which has no wheels, axels, engine or transmission, broke the 500
kmh mark on November 12 on the 30 km track between Long Yang
Station and Pudong International Airport whilst another vehicle
passed at 430 kmh on the adjacent track or "guideway".

The magnetic levitation of trains was first patented in 1934 by
Hermann Kemper and his idea has taken the best part of a century
to be realised.

See also

Posted by salim at 09:41 AM | Comments (1)