»In which the neighbourhood has a fence-y plan

I have many fond memories of trips to Paris, all without leaving the neighbourhood. I have little affection for Duboce Park, the junkie- and vagrant-riddled local patch of greenery. The half-block-wide park, valiantly cared-for by the community, is made all the worse by the constant presence of dogs and their ill-mannered walkers. The dogs poop and pee everywhere, intimidate pedestrians and people who might want to play a game or have a picnic (in a park? of all the nerve. Parks in San Francisco are for dogs!): and the people walking them are, as a group, brazen and disrespectful of the notion of shared space. The dogs run everywhere, across paths and along all the pee-stained stretch of grass on the south side of the park, as dogs are wont to do. I cannot stand going to the park, nor even walking past it -- it stinks!
We already have a segregated play area for children, and the notion of cordoning off the already-ragged south-east corner of the park for the exclusive use of four-legged friends has raised some hackles. I say build a damn BART station on the half-block area and give 'em what for. Like taking coals to Newcastle it is, to give the Lower Haight another area for dumping fæces.
The city has not done an admirable job of handling, either through policy or through enforcement, off-leash dog areas (Duboce Park is not an off-leash area). For their part, San Francisco dog owners have a cutesy web site that gives lip service to the idea that you gotta scoop the poop. ... even if everyone's poop were scooped, the dogs still pee on all parts of the park. I do'n't want to pic-nic there, I would'n't want kids playing there (mine or anyone else's; so broad-minded of me), and I sure do'n't want to stroll about a smallish greenspace which reeks. I have Haight Street for that.

salim filed this under stoopin' at 21h57 Saturday, 15 October 2005 (link) (Yr two bits?)