»Tell me what's going on.

A company with origins in the Bay Area and operations in the UK, Shazam, will identify and tag a song using your mobile. Hold your mobile to the sound source -- a jukebox in the bar, speakers at the mall -- and the phone gets an SMS with the song info. It also updates a home page with a link to purchase the CD.

The FAQ explains that you can tag any song playing over speakers -- not live! -- in the U.K.(orange, 02, tmobile, vodaphone) or Germany (vodaphone only), and that the sercice will expand to other countries.-- but Shahid pointed out that the service is not available in the U.S., for licensing reasons.

And it doesn't work with humming. Yet.

salim filed this under teeevooooooh! at 19h48 Sunday, 31 August 2003 (link) (Yr two bits?)