April 22, 2005

On the 'Goldilocks price' of parking

Donald Shoup presents his economic theory of parking. The "high cost of parking" is a favourite topic of Professor Shoup's.

Posted by salim at 06:14 PM | Comments (0)

In which I get old and crotchety

For perhaps the first time in my long, happy life, I stared down a box of donuts today. Usu. I look longingly on the deep-fried and glazed, but today the pink carton (why are pastry boxes always always pink?) held no appeal. This may be a long-term effect of my anti-corn-syrup stance. I'm still working on anti-soy-lecithin, but, thanks to David Kessler, we know what's what in foods. I recently started a "no-food-from-a-bag" policy, so I'm not eating crisps or pretty much anything processed. It's okay if I put the food in a bag myself: salad stuff, for example, or almonds. Or thin slices (lonchas) of dry-cured ham from the butcher on the corner.
I do have high esteem for Sammy's donuts, who advertise their ingredients and methods. And keep a tidy, pretty corner shop.

Posted by salim at 09:14 AM | Comments (0)