The proof is in the pudding: computers have validated Dr Thomas Hales' proof of (also known for Sir Walter Raleigh, who demanded an estimate of the cannonballs in a yay-high stack). He didn't call it face-centered cubic packing, and probably the grocers down by the corner store didn't either, but now we're closer to agreeing on the proof.
... the proof that the grocers have been right all along, and we can't even get a computer to prove it within twenty years.
Revolution is taking place / and you better watch out / for it's righteous
The Youth Be Getting Rizzestlizzes.
I don't have enough speakers for this song. It is, as they say, off the hizzle.
Although a spotty-faced fifteen year-old like me could spot the fatal flaw ("weaving area? Why, that's stupid") in the cloverleaf design, only recently have engineers begun to reassess the stupid symmetry of America's national flower.
Now, transportation engineers recommend cloverleaf interchanges only for rural regions where traffic is light. But that suggestion comes too late for Southern California, where at least two dozen cloverleafs contribute to congestion on major freeways. Moreover, the state's budget crisis has ensured that only a few of the interchanges will be replaced in the next decade.
And while we're at it, get me off of this English Roundabout!
I'm going to
punch you in your glasses.